DK1 - Jylland

EUR/kWh right now
Average today
Span: 0.056 - 0.175
- - -

DK2 - Sjaelland

EUR/kWh right now
Average today
Span: 0.081 - 0.178
- - -

Production and consumption

Production5228 MW
Wind - 59.3 %3102 MW
Other - 21.0 %1098 MW
Gas - 10.3 %541 MW
Coal - 5.9 %307 MW
Oil - 2.9 %154 MW
Solar - 0.5 %26 MW
Consumption5226 MW
Excess2 MW

Last Updated: 2025-01-17 10:00:00

All electricity areas - Today

All electricity areas - Tomorrow

Production - Danmark - Yesterday and today

Net production - Danmark - Yesterday and today

Electricity price per month - Danmark

The table below presents the average price for each electricity area inDanmark, monthly since 2021. Note that the latest month might be incomplete.

The electricity price in the table represents the current spot price. Keep in mind that additional fees and taxes may apply. You can choose to display either the spot price or the actual price through the settings on the page.


Operational Disruptions in Denmark


Ongoing Planned


Ongoing Unplanned



Below you can see the current operational disruptions affecting the electricity production in Danmark.

If you want to include upcoming planned disruptions, click here.
Planned Maintenance - Avedoerevaerket2025-02-03

Avedoerevaerket 2 Denmark is affected by a planned maintenance that starts 2025-02-03 and is estimated to be completed 2025-03-04. 1. period: Outage on transformer 2. period: Outage on 2 Gas Turbines 3. period: Outage on transformer

Total capacity 565 MAW

Planned Maintenance - Avedoerevaerket2025-01-20

Avedoerevaerket 2 Denmark is affected by a planned maintenance that starts 2025-01-20 and is estimated to be completed 2025-02-17. maintenance

Total capacity 565 MAW

Planned Maintenance - Fynsvaerket2025-01-10

Denmark is affected by a planned maintenance that starts 2025-01-10 and is estimated to be completed 2025-02-28. PERIOD 1: Boiler trip do to fuel supply failure// PERIOD 2: Test and trim after gas conversion //

Capacity during the outage 269 MAW

Total capacity 407.1 MAW

Unplanned Outage - Nordjyllandsvaerket2024-12-14

Nordjyllandsvaerket 3 Denmark is affected by an unplanned disruption that started 2024-12-14 and is estimated to be completed 2025-01-20. Boiler leakage Spray cooler worn out, downtime extended.


Total capacity 380 MAW

Planned Maintenance - Nordjyllandsvaerket2024-09-02

Nordjyllandsvaerket 3 Denmark is affected by a planned maintenance that starts 2024-09-02 and is estimated to be completed 2025-05-15. Limitation extended, due to risk assessment on production unit.

Capacity during the outage 340 MAW

Total capacity 380 MAW

Information and Terms of Use

All statistics are retrieved from ENTSO-e transparency platform. Current exchange rate fetched from ECB.

The figures shown should be correct, but are supplied without guarantees. The site and related services are provided for private use, at your own risk.

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